Family law Blogs

Virginia, like many states allows two individuals to enter into premarital agreements (normally called a “prenuptial agreement’ or “prenup”). In the event of divorce or separation, which of course we all pray and hope doesn’t happen, these agreements can be completely determinative, so it is essential you know exactly what you’re signing. Putting it broadly,

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Broadly speaking, there are two types of custody, “physical” and “legal.” Each of these terms can be further divided (once again broadly speaking) to “sole” and “joint” and other variations in between Legal Custody Legal custody refers to who can make important decisions about the child. Such as education (where the child would go to

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As most individuals in Virginia who are contemplating divorce, you’ve probably done a bit of internet research and found out that in Virginia you have to be “legally separated” before you file for divorce; six months if you don’t have children and have a written separation or twelve months if you have children and/or have

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Virginia, like many states allows two individuals to enter into premarital agreements (normally called a "prenuptial agreement' or "prenup"). In the event of divorce or separation, which of course we all pray and hope doesn't happen, these agreements can be completely determinative, so it is

Prenuptial Agreements